Whether you have a question about an item on our website, would like to discuss a return, or would like to know the status of your order, we are always happy to help.

Please choose one of the below options to get in touch.

Are you outside of your estimated delivery date?

If you would prefer to speak to someone, please call us on 0330 053 3120

All delivery timeframes can be found on your order confirmation email, or alternatively you can check this on your account here .

Please provide your order number and pictures to ensure the quickest possible solution

If you would prefer to speak to someone, please call us on 0330 053 3120

Let us know the reason behind your change of mind so we can help rectify the issue.

If you would prefer to speak to someone, please call us on 0330 053 3120

You can visit the FAQ page to find out anything else, otherwise use the form below.

If you would prefer to speak to someone, please call us on 0330 053 3120

Trade Customers

If you have a question about your recent trade order, or if you would like to speak to your account manager, please contact us at trade@olivias.com. Alternatively, you can view our dedicated Trade page here for more information.

Design Service Customers

If you are a Design Services customer and have a question about your recent order, or if you would like to speak to one of our personal shoppers/interior designers, please contact us at concierge@olivias.com